Poets in the Garden With McNally Jackson Books

June 29, 2014 @ 9:30 pm
Elizabeth Street Garden
Poets in the Garden

A summertime reading series hosted by McNally Jackson Books, each monthly event features the work of several women writing poetry in New York.

This time, one remarkable poet for each finger on your left hand:

CYNTHIA CRUZ is the author of three collections of poems: “Ruin,” “The Glimmering Room” and “Wunderkammer,” forthcoming in October. Her essays and art reviews have been published in The Rumpus, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The American Poetry Review and Hyperallergic. She is the recipient of fellowships from Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony, as well as a Hodder Fellowship from Princeton University. An art editor at Guernica, she teaches at Sarah Lawrence College.

MARISSA PEREL is an artist and writer based in New York. Her interdisciplinary work includes performance, installation, criticism and curatorial projects. She often uses collaboration as a platform for the exchange of disciplines, working methods and discourses with choreographers, composers and visual artists. She is interested in drawing from the polemics of identity and representation to create compositional models for performance and installation. She orchestrates an immersive world where text, objects, dance and video transmit experiences of personal and societal conflicts. Her materials are cathected objects, cues that connect an immediate physical and psychic state to past events. Her work has been shown at numerous galleries, theaters and performance spaces in the United States and abroad.

EMMALEA RUSSO is a poet and visual artist making process-based works. She is the author of “they” (Gauss PDF, 2014), “CLEAR1NG” (Dancing Girl Press, 2013) and “book of southern and water” (Poor Claudia, 2013). She lives in Brooklyn and is an editor at Ugly Duckling Presse.

MALI SCOTT is a poet living between Brooklyn and upstate New York. She is a founding member of the collective reading room and library Wendy’s Subway and works in research and education.

EMILY TODER’S second collection, “Beachy Head,” is just out from Coconut Books. She is also the author of “Science” (Coconut) and the chapbooks “No Land” (Brave Men); “Brushes With” (Tarpaulin Sky); and “I Hear a Boat” (Duets) and the translator of “The Life and Memoirs of Doctor Pi” (Clockroot Books) and “The Errant Astrologers” (Ugly Duckling Presse).